Monday, June 6, 2011


today in class we really didnt do much except eat donuts that Kristy Kim brought in for us.. it was a good day to end the year on! im going to miss this class a lot!! I am now trying to study for our exams, i learned alot this year but i am just really bad at testing so hopefully i will get a decent grade

Friday, June 3, 2011

6/2 test today

today in class we had to take a test. i thought it was really easy but i ended up getting a 75 plus my 5 extra credit points which means i got an 80. im really disappointed with my grade because i studied really hard for it and i understood everything so i dont really know what happened. It also brought my grade down by 3 points to an 89 and i need to get that back up because if i get good grades this semester i will get a betta fish and i really want a fish so i can either name it gill of kiwi. I dont know which one to choose, you decide. But after we were done taking the quiz we didnt really do anything since it was a short class. but it was still really funn

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There was no test today

Today in class instead of taking a test we went over the paper we got in class on friday.

  1. Trade was disrupted by pirates in the Mediterranean 
  2. inflation is the economic condition when prices rise rapidly 
  3. Roman emperors started to recruit barbarians into the army becuase they were cheaper, but they werent loyal
  4. during the third century, the only groups actively interested in political office were the leaders of prvincial governments- False the correct answer is military leaders
  5. Diocletian's division of the empire between east and west weakened the empire as a whole- True because the west fell to invaders
  6. The western half of the empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade- False the correct answer is the eastern half
  7. Constantine made Christianity an approved religion in the empire 
  8. Huns were the major reason for the Germanic invasions of the Roman Empire.
We didnt finish going over the sheet but we are just going to take the quiz tomorrow

Friday, May 27, 2011

Romes empire declined and fell

Since mr Schick gave us the packet of the roman empire we started to talk about it in class. We had to highlight some of the key parts in the packet and this is what i highlighted

  • In A.D. 476 a barbarian king took over the rule of Rome. 
  • the process of decline took place in three stages. first there was a long time of turmoil known by historians as the crisis of the third century. during these years the empire was beset by economic military and political problems. the third was there was a time of revival during which the empire was divided into two parts, eastern and western. and the third was the western half of the empire fell to invaders. 
  • trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on the Mediterranean sea lanes. they didn't have what people wanted to trade. china, India, and Arabia had little interest in buying such plain goods 
  • such and increase in prices is called inflation
  • agriculture faced an equally serious crisis, people think that the overworked soil had probably lost much of its earlier fertility 
  • throughout the third century, Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier 
  • partly to keep costs down, emperors. began to recruit barbarians who would accept lower pay. However the loyalty of barbarian troops to the empire could hardly be trusted 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The fall of the Roman Empire

Today in class Mr. Schick gave us a sheet that we had to define some things and also answer questions
Inflation- a huge increase in prices

  1. Diocletian- a strong willed army leader and son of a slave, became the new emperor . He tried to restore order in the empire and increase its strength
  2. Constantine- he was a war commander. He marched to the Tiber River to fight his cheif rival. He was a strong Christian 
  3. Eastern Empire- Constantine won the eastern empire for Rome. It was more successful than any other empire. Byzantium was located in the eastern part. 
  4. Western Empire- Latin speaking country 
  5. Constantinople- The capital of the eastern empire; was named after Constantine 
  6. Huns: a nomadic people from central Asia; they were feared
  7. Attila: new leader of the Huns; wanted to conquer the entire empire and failed/withdrew
  8. Leo I: First truly powerful pope of Rome; journeyed to Attila's camp causing him to withdraw his forces.

  • What economic problems did the empire face in the third century? 

- All three of their prosperities dried up. Trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes. Rome's gold and silver were drained away to buy luxuries from China, India, and Arabia. They couldn't pay their expenses; coins lost 98% silver and prices were sky high.

  • By the third century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic? 
- Soldiers now fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. To attract recruits into the army, government promised higher pay. Empires began to recruit barbarians who accepted lower pay but not loyal.

  • (a)What important religious change did Constantine bring about in the empire?
- AD 313, he announced an end to the persecution of Christians. He granted "both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose." Christianity become a religion approved by emperor because of Milan.
  • (b) What political change did he bring about?
Constantine won control of the eastern as well as the western empire. In AD 330, he took the momentous step of moving the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium in what is now Turkey.

  • (a) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400's? 
- They were fleeing the Huns; the Huns kept pushing westward and they felt they needed to move westward as well.
  • (b) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders out?
- They couldn't get a strong enough army. They couldn't muster even a medium-sized army to stop the barbarians. 

  • (a) List three reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful empire. 
1. He restored order in the empire & increased its strength
2. Ranked among the greatest emperors.
3. Divided the empire
(b) List three reasons why he might be considered a failure
1. Not all the reforms were totally successful.
2. Wages for new troops added to the already high taxes
3. Price controls failed

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Notes for a test tomorrow


  • The romans had many different Gods, but then Christianity came along which only has one God 
  •  a group of Jews decided to have a revolution called the Zealots who decided to break off and create there own country, and they fought and fought but didnt succeed. So the Romans burnt down there holy city except one wall, the Western Wall
Persicution of Christian

  • when they first started out the romans were harsh towards them
  • Christians had to gather in secret in fear of being persecuted
  • they were used as "entertainment" 
  • Despite the oppression, Christianity grew quickly around 10% became part of the Roman empire 

The big part of the test is the Four emperors, the persecution of Jews and Christians, and Jesus and Paul
*essay-   Whats the difference between the roman republic and the roman empire
Republic made up of The senate and the consul, democracy, aristocracy and monarchy and when it becomes an empire the emperor rules

I started to studying with Alyssa and we made a study guide

1.       Who was the first Emperor when Rome started there empire? Octavian
2.       Who was the Emperor who was made fun of for speech impediment? Claudius
3.       Why did the Romans persecute Jesus? Because he said he was the son of God and there was a higher kingdom rather than Rome
4.       What is the Pax Romana? A period of peace and prosperity
5.       Why did Tiberius become the next Emperor after Octavian? He was Octavian’s adopted son
6.       Who was the governor of the roman province of Judaeu? Pontius Pilate
7.       Who actually had Jesus prosecuted? Pontius Pilate
8.       How did Paul help start Christianity? He spread the word of Jesus throught Europe
9.       6 influential person? Muhammad, Isaac newton, Jesus , Buddha, Confucius, and Paul of Tarsus  

Monday, May 16, 2011

yay taking notes about Rome!

The Roman Empire-
Octavian- Caesar Augustus

  • First Emperor,  began the Pax Romana a period of peace and prosperity 
  • built roads, aqueducts (like the plumbing system 
  • Set up civil service to take care of roads. the grain  supply, even a postal service
  • Did i great job and got stuff done, Augustus dies at the age of 76 in A.D. 14 and passes his power to Tiberius 

  • Roman citizen and spent his whole life in the Roman empire
  • Was a Jew and at the age of 30 (A.D. 31-33) he preached to the poor and he reached out to the outsiders 
  • During his life he really wasn't that popular because he was just a preacher who was sometimes caught by the law 
  • "My kingdom is not of this world" made the Romans and the Jews nervous and they began to plan his execution
  • The governor of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, was the one who wanted to put Jesus to death by crucifixion , but also the high priest wanted him dead too 
  • He is God who came to Earth but he really wasn't popular back then so we aren't really sure for a fact that what is said about him in the Gospels is really accurate 
  • Some Christians think that he will return to the Earth one day 
  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about jesus' life death resurrection and message
  • He used to hate Christians, one day he fell of his horse and then was blind for three days. After three days he was able to see again and the first thing that he saw was Jesus
  • After that he wrote letters and traveled everywhere to share is story and wanted to set up out post to the Church. 
  • He got as far as Spain and Britain. Jesus is the central figure of the worlds largest religion all because of Paul spreading around his story
  • He is actually the 6th most influential people in history 

  • Back then they wanted to figure out who was next in line after the leader dies so they normally adopt people and thats what Octavian did with Tiberius 
  • Didn't get along with the senators, said "they are fit to be slaves"
  • Germanicus started out as TIberius' ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny, but when it looked like he would succeed Tiberius he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed 
  • Died in AD 37 at the age of 77 
Caligula- a good start

  • Started off well being Germanices son, he was Tiberius adopted grandson and great nephew
  • Gave bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past and made government spending a matter of public records (said where the people tax dollars are going) 
  • Began to fight with the senate, claimed he was a God so then he wanted to display in statues of him in temples especially in Jewish Temples which made them mad
  • He slept with other mens wives and bragged about it, indulged in too much spending and sex, and even tried to make his horse a consul and a priest (at least thats what critics said) 
  • Assassinated by his own aides AD 41 (age 28) 

  • Was made fun of people he had a speech impediment but then when he was emperor they stopped making fun of him
  • He rose to the occasion; he concurred Britain; he built roads canals and aqueducts; he renovated the Circus Maximus  
  • He had an awful marriage to Messalina, who was quite often unfaithful to him, even plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup- so Claudius had them killed 
  • That was his 3rd marriage and then married again

  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic 
  • Roman had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god 
  • AD 66: a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman Troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall) 
  • The Western Wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines (also known as the wailing wall) 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

YAY hundred!

Today in class, first i had to go out in the hallway to take a Rome test. The way i studied was i used the Rome Rap and read over the Papers you emailed us. The test was really easy and i think i got a hundred on it! When i was finished my test i came back into class and they were reviewing the Greek test. We are going to use the sheet he gave us for our final exam. We then reviewed the Rome test and the answers. That how i think i got a hundred and i really hope i did because then it will raise up my grade and i am trying to keep my grade up by this blog post so i hope it all works out perfectly!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Clark and billy- Government
Better to not have a tyrant
Had three different governments

  • Democracy
  • Aristocracy 
  • Monarchy 
Aristocratic families of Rome
Best treated families
Plebeians- lower class , all citizens, weren't slaves
Better Army-

  • Legion (5000 men)
  • Centuries was a subgroup in the Legion
  • This was good because they could move all directions
Carthage was located at the top of Africa on the Mediterranean  Sea and it was very wealthy because of Trade . Enemies with Rome. Hannibal is the Leader of Carthage so he moves his troops through Spain and walk all the way around to Rome attacking them.

Caitlin, Emma, and Cole-
Latifundia- a large farm that were formed
Hannibal destroyed there farms home and villages
They sold there land to the wealthy and moved to Rome  

The Gracchus brothers- Tiberius and Gauis they were Plebian brothers. Attempted to pass land to reform legislation. Founding Fathers in socialism and populism.
Tiberious- first one to become tribune.. clubbed to death
Gaius- Tribunes, most of the legislation passed but another tribne turned against him. The petition spread rumors about the brothers so the people turned against him
Land legislation- tried to get back everyones land. they thought the rich are getting to much land and the poor aren't getting anything

Kamau and Taylor
Julius Caesar- Group of three people were Triumverat, Ceaser Crassus and Pompie.  
Caesar choose Crassus because he was a veryyyyy rich and was a military leader to become in the Triumverate. Crassus died in the battle of Gull
Pompie- Military leader wanted to be an allies with Caesar but then was a enemy

Alyssa and Catherine
Julius Caeser- Family was patriction ranked, Became a dictator for only a little, Died on march 15 called the Ides of March and was stabbed 23 times, they killed him because they thought he was becoming to powerful, Dictator and perpetuity means he is the dictator for life,
Junius Brutus- was a Roman Politician  who killed Julius Caesar
Gaius Cassuis was a Roman senator who killed Julius Caesar

Cailtin and Gracie-
Julius Caesar- Birth name was Gaius Julius Caesar. he died in the Theater of Pompey. Brutus was one of his close friends who also participated in stabbing Caesar.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where is Mr. Schick?

Today in class Mr. Schick was not here. We had to go to Mrs. Zurkowski room instead of staying in his room all along. As other people worked on there projects, Katie Cooper and i were all done so we really didnt do anything. I did have the time to write this blog and i also did some other homework. I also at time to time helped Alyssa and Catherine with there project which was kinda fun. We didn't really do anything else so i hope you hurry back to class soon!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Octavian the Exalter

Today in class we talked about the rap and what was in our rap. I was paired with Kaite Cooper and we are doing a presentation on the 6th paragraph which is mostly on Octavian. Caesar's nineteen-year-old great-nephew, Gaius Octavius Thurinus, entered Rome to claim his inheritance. Caesar's will had named him chief heir and adopted him as his son, making his name now Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus. Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus formed an official three-man government, called “the second triumvirate”.

·         It was fought between Octavian and the combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII
·         The war was on September 2, 31 BC on the Ionian Sea near Actium Greece
·         During the war Octavian tried to make a trues with Antony but he rejected, so then they prepared for battle the next year
·         They fought by ships
·         On the First day of September, Octavian issued his fleet to move around Antony’s.  In fear of being surrounded, Antony gave word to attack.
·         Since Antony was surrounded, Octavian pushed Antony’s fleet toward shore. Antony forced a hole through  Octavian’s fleet and that is where he and Cleopatra escaped.
·         Octavian won the battle and was awarded the title of Augustus
·         This war was the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The not so impossible pop quiz

Crassus today in class we re took the pop quiz which i am really happy about because i think we did a lot better. After that mr Schick weirdly disappeared from the room. When he reentered the room he was in a rapper outfit. He then put on a rap about Rome which was actually really helpful and really funny. In the rap he talked about what happened in Rome. We then had to find pictures of the things in it.  Today was also the royal wedding so of coarse i have to add a picture of Kate Middleton who looked so pretty in her dress and Prince William who looked very handsome in his outfit

The Greeks 
The Latins 

Julius Caesar getting stabbed 
The Gauls 

the impossible pop quiz

Today was a very short day in class because we had a very weird scheduel with tornadoes and everything else. first started out with the prayer like usual. We then went over the homework we had to do about Rome reading. Then Mr Schick surprised us with a pop quiz. It was so hard. i did not do well on it and i got a 5/10 which is really hard. It brought my grade down from a 98 to a 86 which i am dispointed in but hopefully i will be able to get my grade up soon

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today in class we went over the answers to the Rome Reading paper he gave us yesterday. And then he told us that we had another Reading Rome assignment due. We had to define a-f and answer question 1-6. Consul- taking the place of a king, Rome had to consuls. like kings, they commanded the army and directed the government. had the power of life and death over citizens in wartime and great powers in peacetime as well; Veto- when you overrule another consul; senate- was the aristocratic branch of Romes government;  assembly- the democratic side of Roman government was the assembly. All citizen-soldiers were members of this branch of government. The assembly had little power in comparison to the consuls and the senate; dictator- a leader who had a absolute power to make laws and command the army; mercenary- is a person who is set on making money. We also had questions to answer. Plebeians were dissatisfied with Roman government because in 509 B.C the Roman's drove out their Kings and patricians controlled Rome's government now. Plebeians were barred by law from holding most important positions in government -- commanding armies, serving as high priest, or holding high offices.  Eventually the plebeians won a greater share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C, thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. The plebeians gained higher political positions and more favorable laws. Marriage between the two groups was allowed and enslavement by debt was ended. They created a written law code called Twelve Tables. Romans considered they had a balanced government because their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy. They believed this gave them the best features of all kinds of governments. Romans won the support of the conquered people becuase they had different parts of the conquered territory were subjected to different laws and treatment from Rome. CArtharage might have seemed more powerful because Carthage had a population of 250,000 which was 3 times the size of Rome. They had a huge navy of 500 ships. Overseas trade made it a very wealthy city. They had 3 great advantages. First, Rome could draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops made available through its conquests in Italy. Second, Rome's citizen troops were generally more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Third, warfare was Roman specialty.  The battle of Zama was a major turning point in history becuase if Hannibal had been the victor, Carthage and not Rome would have become the greatest empire in the world. Since Rome was victorious, it was Rome that passed on its laws, its government, and its culture to Western Civilization.  At first Roman armies marching into Macedon looked like protectors of Greek freedom. The Greeks rejoiced when, in 197 B.C, the Roman's freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.  Once settled in Greece, however, the Romans interfered in Greek politics, crashing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome. As time passed, the exercise of Roman power in the east became increasingly ruthless. A few Greek city-states tried to free themselves from Rome's tightened grip, but failed. Rome singled out Corinth for an example. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


today in class we first started out talking about how mr schick had a very bad easter because he was sick the whole time. he had a temperature of 103 tuesday through thursday with the shivers and the shakes. After he was finished talking about that he sent us an email with an attachment of a paper. We had to read the whole paper and then at the end answer questions about it. The paper was mostly about Rome.We also had to answer some questions about the Rome paper. It first asks us to identify some words; republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in their leasers; Gravitas- weightiness or seriousness; patrician- specially privileged families that were like high society in Rome; pater families- the eldest man of the family who had complete power over his family; toga- an uncomfortable garment that Romans used to wear; plebeian- the common people like artisans, farmers, and merchants; legion- the roman military unit; century- each legion was divided into 60 smaller parts which are called legions. After describing all of those words we had to identify: Italy- which is shaped like a high heeled boot. The Italian peninsula is near the midpoint of the Mediterranean. The land is very mountainous and the country was rolling, wooded, fertile; Rome- Rome is midway in the Alps and Italys southern tip. Rom occupies an ideal position from which to send out ships and armies in all directions. Romulus was part of an ancient Roman myth. He was the one who stated Rome after he struck his brother and killed him; Palatine Hill- the hill that Romulus chose for his new city. After he killed his brother, Palatine Hill became Athens; Alps- the apls are located on the Eastern side of Rome; Tiber River- a river that the king put Romulus and his brother Remus in when they were just babies because he feared they would become to powerful; I then figured out that you didnt have to describe all these things you just had to answer some of the questions. Geography helped Rome because there were in the middle of the Mediterranean and also in the middle of Italy. They were in the prime location for trade routes.The difference between a republic and a democracy. Republic is when the people get to choose there own leader and a democracy is when the people get to choose everything like going to war and building roads. The next question we had to answer was how did Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans help Romes development. Rome began as a settlement of Latin shepherds, no more than a cluster of round wooden huts perched atop the 300- foot Palatine Hill. The Greeks established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily. These active cities brought all of Italy, including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization. The Etuscans had a writing system and the Latins did not. They also had a great cultural influence on the Latins. Eventually the settlers of Rome adopted their alphabet. The values of early roman society was that they had specially privileged families who were known as the patrician class. The said that there ancestry gave them the authority to make laws for Rome and its people. The Roman household was organized as a parta familia which means that the father of the family was the one who ruled and made the decisions in the family. The women had rights but not as many as the father. She could make decisions but it was always under the pressure of the father. The army was linked to Roman society because all male citizens were required to serve in the army and no one could hold public office untile he had a first served ten years as a soldier.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Notes for Test Wednesday

Today in class we talked about what was going to be on the test
Multiple choice 33 points
1 short answer Question

What happened in 776 B.C.
- the Olympics
What were some Olympic sports
discus, wrestling, boxing

Formation used in battle
Name of the Greek soldiers
who did the Greeks fight more than anyone else?
battle against the persians
-Marathon, gaugamela,, thermopolese, Issus
* peloponnesian war was NOT against Persia
 battle of Hydaspes against India

Peloponnesian War
Who was in charge of Athens in Peloponnesian War
- Pericles
Who was it Against
- Athens and Sparta
Who won?
What happened inside the walls during the first stage of the war?
- people staved and got the plague so they died
First time people rose up against there rulers?
-508 B.C.

What age were kids taken away to be trained?
-7 years old
Who were Spartans?
-land fighters, army, infantry

Blind Poet who told stories of...?
-llyad and Oddessy
Llyad was the soty of Trojan War with Trojan Horses, They were both epic poems, probably sung.

Three types of Greek Colums-
-Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

what age was it built in?
-Golden age of Greece with Pericles rulling
what kind of collums?

Had three goals when he took over
-athens greatest city
-strengthen Greek Democracy
-expanded empire
What was the place called with public discussion?

What is pottery used for?
-wine, storage, perfume

Who was Ecuclaid?
- he pionerred Geometry
What did Archemides founded ?
- puly system and displacement theory?
Three main philosophers?
- Socrates
Who was Alexanders teacher?
***  Socrates and the Trial
Socrates chared with not recognizing gods and corrupting the youth. He was guilty and his punishment was death. He had to drink poisoness Hemlock
"the unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates
*** Plato's Cave theory
In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects, that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see
Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows. Plato’s aim in the Republic is to describe what is necessary for us to achieve this reflective understanding. But even without it, it remains true that our very ability to think and to speak depends on the Forms. For the terms of the language we use get their meaning by “naming” the Forms that the objects we perceive participate in.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today in class we recorded how many people bought prevent genocide shirts. 2/3 of the class bought shirts raising $55. After we were done counting people we started to watch Alexander the Great movie again. Alexander went through life without ever loosing one battle. Birds of pray would always appear when something monumental happened in Alexanders life. After the war Alexander was the king of Persian Empire and he was loved by all. He welcomed in people who he concord to his Empire. The king Darrius was betrayed by his commanders. Alexander then hunted down those commanders and got revenge on all of them and punished them. He had 10 cities named after himself. We then skipped to a part where he is in Hindu Kush where he marched into the "unknown" but he said it was the route to the end of the world. The problem for Alexander was that he wanted to concur the world. He thought that when he went over the Himalayans that there would be the ocean and there would be the end. After it was hard to get over the Himalayans he tried to concur India but his men cant take it anymore and have had enough. After he would not take his army home he was no longer loved by all. The still fight in India and that is where his horse is killed form underneath him.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Today in Class we watched a movie about Alexander the Great. His dad was Philip the second and his mom was Olympia. His mom told him that his real fahter was the Greek god Acilies. By the Age of 20 he was already fighting and try to take of the world. In the begging of the movie there was a scene about how Alexander picked out his horse Bucepehalus and the horse would only let Alexander ride him. We then skipped to the scene of the Gaugalela war. This war was very bloody and gross. Before the war started the cut up a bull and went through there guts so they could "predict" who was going to win the war. In the end Darrius, alexanders enemy, won even though they were very out numbered,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katie Cooper

Katie- 98%  She didnt just read off her slide, she knew a lot about what she was talking about
1. Who was Socrates and what did he study?
- greek philosopher and he studied life of people
2. What was one of Socrates Teaching
- You should know who you are and try to become better and improve
3. What did Aristotle Figure out?
- Earth wind fire water and the Aether was other things you couldnt explain

Monday, April 11, 2011

Emma, Jeffy,

Today in class we got cake for Caitlins birthday. We also continued with our presentations.
Emma- She seemed to put a lot of work in her video and presentation 98%
1. Name some of the events they had in the Olympics?
-boxing, equestrian events, pankration, discus, javelin, jump, running, wrestling.
2. Who normally participated in the Olympics?
- Aristocrates vs the townspeople
3. When did it start?
- 776 B.C.- 393 A.D.

Jeffy- 95% he had a lot of facts and knew alot about his presentation
1. What do the Greeks use for building stuff?
- stone and marble
2. Describe the houses for the rich and the not so rich.
- Poor people made out of mud and brick and were close together. The rich were very spacy
3. Types of colums
-  Doric, Ionis, Corithian

Cole- 98% had alot of information and the cake was really good !
1. What leagues were both Athens and Sparta in?
- Athens : Dealian League Sparta: Peloponnesian League
2. What were the names of the three parts of the war?
- Archidamian war, Peace of Nicias, Declean and Ionian war
3. Who was the leader of Athens?
- Pericles

Friday, April 8, 2011

Taylor, Billy, Sarah, Clark, Catherine, Gracie, Cristy

Taylor- 89% because her presentation was really creative but she didn't give us a lot of facts about Homer
1. What is the name of Homers greatest work of art?
2. What is the guys name in the Odyssey?
3. How would Homer tell his stories?

Billy- 80% because he really didnt have any information
1. When did the Hellenistic Age start?
2. True or False- Did Alexander mixed Greeks and non Greeks together?
3. What happened with Alexander mixed Greeks and non Greeks together?

Sarah- 97 %A really good Powerpoint and a lot a facts
1. Who was the Parthenon built for?
2. Where was the Parthenon built? and What is it?
3. What statue was in the Parthenon?

Clark- 95% goos power point. there was a lot of information but some was left out
1. What theorem did Pythagoras create?
2. What experiments did Archimedes discover?
3. How did people now benefit from math and science today?

Catherine- 95% A LOT of information but her presentation wasn't that fun
1. What were most of the pottery made out of?
2. What type of designs were mostly found on pottery?
3. Where are most potters found?

Gracie- 95% seemed like she knew a lot but she just read of her slides
1. What would they do when they tell the story?
2. Explain Epics, Regular Poems, and plays?
3. Were poets well payed?

Cristy- 100. no questions asked
1.  When was the Trial of Socrates?
2. What was the main point of the Trial of Socrates?
3. How did Socrates die?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Alyssa, Caitlin, Clarke

Alyssa- 95% has a lot of information and her presentation had a lot going on. I didn't like how there were too much on one slide
1. Which army do you think is better. The Greek or Spartan army?
2. Which Weapon do you think is most destructive?
3. How much do you think all of the pieces of a uniform would cost today?

Caitlin- 100% she seemed like she put a lot of effort into it
1. How did drama evolve?
2. What are the two types of Drama?
3. What is the name of the guy who ripped out his eyes?

1. Where was Alexander  king of?
2. What was Alexander known for in battle?
3. How old was Alexander when he started ruling Macedonia?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kamua and Sparta

1. Do you think a lot of the soldiers survived while they were going through training?
2. What kind of training methods did they use to make Spartans so strong?
3. Do you think we should use that kind of training for our military troops?
Grade- 90% because he had a lot of facts in his presentation and seemed to know a lot about his project but his presentation was boring.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today in class we talked about how billy decker unfortuintially did not bring in a cake for all of us. We were all really disappointed. WE also talked about Cole, who is back in school after a injury with his eye. We talked for a while about what happened with his eye which was pretty gun. Then we really started talking about Greece. Greece is divided into city states so that means there is not just one ruler. Sparta seemed to be the most powerful because of there military. In Athens, aristicrates were normally the leaders. Pysytrasis was the one who started democracy. Athens began to trade with egyptians, etrustcans (italians) and persians. Hippias was Pysytrasis son was doing the things that his father did but then started to get paranoid like people were after him. Clythensese came in rule after Hippias and restored all of the things that Hippias destroyed. .

Friday, March 25, 2011


Today in class i got my project subject. I am doing the Peloponnesian War. It is a war the was fought by the Greeks in Athens against Peloponnesian. It was fought in 431 to 404 BC. It was divided into three phases. i Think i am going to make a movie of the three stages of the Peloponnesian War.  Also in class we talked about Cole and how Billy Decker is going to bake him a cake in the shape of a baseball. Then we thought that maybe it would bring back some sad memories for Cole so we are going to bake a cake in the shape of a Spartan head so then Alyssa can bring in some swords for her project and then slash the Spartans head.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Greeks the movie 3/21

  • PERICLES- was the leader of Athens during hight of Athens. and brought democracy into its climax. 
  • The started to build the Parthenon. Pareclese was directly involved with the Parthenon. 
  • It is the symbol for Athens. They had a 40 ft high sculpture of Athena. The parthenon freeze which is a wall of sculpted figures of Athenians. 
  • They were built on the Acropolis
  • He knew was the people of Athens wanted 
  • Wanted to make the greatest city possible. 
  • Aspsia was beautiful forgeing born wrote Pericles speeches 
  • Greeks invented Drama and would make fun of people of present day  and with also tragedies 
  • Edipiss was a character in a story who married his mother and killed his father. He solved the riddle of the sphinx. He did his mom so he ripped out his eyes 
  • Athens 431 BC Pereclese presents Athenians with war with city state Sparta. This was a bad idea because Spartans have a frees om military force. 
  • Athens power laid in there Navy and Spartans power was on land. they would abandon Athens and hide. Perclese would use the Navy to attack the Spartans by the sea. The are gonna trap Sparta and cut them off from there supplies 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Greek the movie notes

  • Clithesnease was brought up to be a aristocratic 
  • the people in Athens took there destiny into there own hands. they rose up in Revolution. Hysagarous was forced to surrender. The year was 508 bc
  • first time in recorded history that people rose up 
  • Clithenease has a agora that they go to meet and discuss there problems and address there fellow citizens. they would put a black pebble for yes and a white pebble for no 
  • 490 BC Pheidippides ran miles to tell athens that the Persians were coming to try to take rule of Athens 
  • Persians were from india in the east, covering some of egypt and most of the middle east 
  • When they face the Persians on the battle field they were out numbered 2 to 1 
  • Thimsticolese 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Greek 3/14

Greece- located in the Mediterainean sea.
Geography of Greece

  • mountainous peninsula. Mountains cover 3/4 
  • approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas 
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources 
  • difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because  of the terrain; developed small, independent communities 
  • approximately 20% suitable for farming
  • fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsula 
  • Because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives 
  • lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization 
  • temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer

  • began around 2000 BC
  • Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft thick wall
  • Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 BC
    • controlled trade in the region
  • 1400 BC Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language
Culture and Decline

  • around 1200 BC sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace 
  • the Dorians moved into the war-torn region
    • far less advanced 
    • economy collapsed 
    • writing disappeared for 400 years 
Homer and Myths

  • only stories wer kept and passed on by word of mouth 
  • homer lived at the end of the Greek Dark Ages
  • Recorded stories of the Trojan War in the lliad and The Odyssey (written 750-700 BC)
    • Trojan War was probably one of the last conquest of the Mycenaeans 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Greeks (the movie)

  • Themisticles was one of the best warriors; philosities one of the greatest philospheres
  • In Athens in 508 BC the people turned on their rulers. Clithensease was the ruler of Athens. He was an orsticate  His brother in law, Pythistrasis, came to Athens demanding to rule. His brother in law turned to the modern people for support. He kind of sucked up to the townspeople. 
  • He was born an aristocratic which were the ones who made decisions in the community. Athens was built around the acropolis. 
  • many farmers and tradesmen. Normally the people couldn't read or write and the life expectancy was 15 years. The people would live under the rule of the aristocrats. They didnt have a part or share in anything.
  • athens was kind of turned against each other because the arosticrates were agaisnt the smaller people like  the farmers. The arsitocrates made them do so much and for little pay that they were kinda of considered slaves. 
  • Greece didn't have very good land for a civilization. Too many mountains and had no open rivers. The land did produce excellent olive trees for the people to live off of
  • Greece was divided into little sections called city states. Athens, Argus, Carithans, Sparta* 
  • Carintheans dominated trade and sailed many ships. Sparta which was known for the army. Spartans were raised to be solders. Separated from their parents and worked in the fields. Capes died red so their enemy's wouldn't know when they were injured.
  • Sparta was a really big city state so they were always a threat to the rest of Greece. 
  • A hero was when you fought a lot of people and de-flowered a lot of girls. They were found in stories by Homer. The poems are called epics 
  • Greece was in a great place for trade because they are around all of the other countries that are willing to trade for there Olive Oil 
  • There greatest invention was the Vase. The artisans were considered the lowest of the low in society. the designs on them were based off of Egyptian paintings. Some of the vases today can be up to 1 million dollars 
  • When Pythistresus died his son took over, and became a Tyrant. Hipias executed and tortured people because he was afraid that he would loose power. Tithinese  defeated Hipias and became what people would call a hero. He then also thought that people were against him so by trying to keep holding power he would kill. 
  • The Olympic games were so that people could display them being a hero. They games they would participate in were chariot racing, running wrestling and boxing. Greeks would travel for many miles just to see the games. 
  • Hysagarus sent a message to the Spartans to help him betray his city to gain power. Tithinese left Athens with the Spartans there with Hysagarus in power. The people then rose up in revolution. On the third day Hysagarus was forced to serenader. this was the first time in recorded history that the ordinary people rose up against there leader. 
  • Clithenease tried to over throw Hipias regain power 
  • the Athenian people ask Clithenese to come back from exile and rule once again. His goal this time when he is ruler is to make everything fair and decided to make a place where the townspeople can meet and decide on their future. This was known as democracy. It was a system of Government that would expand this state. 
  • a new generation of Athenians that would have to make new decisions with war. 
  • Phytipades ran for many miles to tell Athens that his land was going to be conquered by the Persians who were the most powerful people in the Ancient world. 
  • Sant Daryus was the leader of the Persians. The Persians were known for the obedience and slavery. Athens were out numbered 2 to 1 so they reached out to their rivals in Sparta. Sparta refused to fight with them so the Athenians had to fight on there own. 
  • The Athenians slaughtered 6000 Persians in one day. Little did they know that the war with Persia had just begun. 
  • Thimisticles was the leader of the army in Athens. In the year 480 BC Athenian found a huge amount of silver and Thimisticles asked to spend it on ships. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Barbarians- a person living outside north of the Roman empire; meaning "anyone who is not Greek"; a fierce, brutal, insenstive, uncultured,and cruel person; pretty much anyone who didnt live in Greece

Ionia- the ancient regionof central coastal Anatolia in present day Turkey; the city of Ionia was founded by colonist from the other side of the Aegean sea; a larger part of the area was covered in mountains; none of the mountains were larger then 4,00 feet; it has three extremely fertile valleys that rivers ran through; very strategic.

Cyrus the Great- means "sun-like" in Greek' Father of the iranian nations; Cyrus founded the first world empire

Darius the Great- he was the kinda of Persia; was known to be one of the greatest ruler of the Persian Dynasty; was known for strengthen the empire and  protect his people; Invaded Greece to punish them

Battle of Marathon- the date may have been August or September 12 490 BC; Greeks left their mainland and ended up in Ionia; Ionia was later taken over by Peria; the Greeks didnt like the way the Persians ruled and they out in battle; important even for the Greek cause it was the first victory in the Persian war

Xerxes- was the king of Persia in 486 BC; when he came into he started to plan to invade Greece;

Leonitdas- one of the first kings to go under spartan training;


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Facts on Egypt

Ancient Eygpt
·         Geography:  Egyptian life is centered around the Nile river
                  It is where 95% of people lived. The source of the Nile River is mountains in Africa. It is used for water for drinking, irrigating, and bathing. It floods every July. Egyptians were the first to have a calendar based off of three reasons: solar day calendar, lunar month calendar, and a solar year calendar. Every October it leaves behind rich soil, the delta is a broad, marshy triangular area of fertile soil. Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation. They built canals and dams to help with the river.
·         Daily life: slaves and servants, farmers, artisans, merchants, scribes, soldiers, government officials, pharaohs.  Slaves helped the wealthy with household and child raising duties. Farmers raised wheat, barely, lentils, onions- benefited from irrigation of the Nile. Artisans would carve statues, would show military battles, after life (your life after you die), everyday life. Money/ barter system was used – merchants might accept bags of grain for payment – later, coinage came out. Scribes kept records, told stories, wrote poetry, described anatomy and medical treatments. They wrote in hieroglyphs and in hieratic. Soldiers used wooden weapons (bow and arrows, spears) w/ bronze tips and might ride chariots.  Upper class, known as the “white kilt class”- priest, physicians, engineers. Religious and political leader. Pharaohs is the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: “Lord of the Two Lands” and the “High priest to every Temple”. Pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owend all the land, made laws and collected taxes.  He was considered the chosen one by the gods, so if something bad happened to a lot of people, he was blamed and was not the “chosen one” anymore.
·         Pharaohs: the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: “Lord of the Two Lands” and the “High priest to every Temple”. Pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all the land, made laws and collected taxes.  He was considered the chosen one by the gods, so if something bad happened to a lot of people, he was blamed and was not the “chosen one” anymore. Normally men but Hatshepsut was one women pharaoh, also Cleopatra VII but more for Greece.
·         Pyramids: most famous pyramid is the Great Sphinx of Giza. Built 2555-2532BC. A recumbent lion with a humans head. Oldest monumental statue in the world. 
Egypt today:
·         Econmy: tourism (who wouldn’t want to see the pyramids?) Since the revolution the tourism has been to great
·         Oil, natural gas, manufacturing
·         Agriculture- making the most of their limited arable land (3%)
Cotton, corn, rice, wheat, fava beans
·         The old pattern of dealing with the Nile pere (land emerges from the flood), and shomu (water is short) has been changed since the 1970 building of the Aswan High Dam
·         The dam controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases the amount of reclaimed land
Demographics- 79 million people, biggest population of Middle Eastern nations
            Cairo: 6.7 million
            NYC: 8.3 million
·         Official language: Arabic (English, French, German are also taught to come)
·         Religion: around 90% Muslim, most of the rest Christian, (Coptic), but there are major conflicts (Egypt is 12th in religious violence, 5th worst religious freedom
Olitics, government, revolution
1922- end of protectorate with the united Kingdom
1953- Egypt declared a Republic
1954-1970: ruled by Gamal Nasser
·         Nationalizes the Suez Canal
·         Forms allegiance with Soviet Union
1970-1981: ruled by Anwar Sadat
·         Switches allegiance to the United States
·         Attacked Isreal over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace
·         Isreal grabbed some part of the Peninsula
·         Sadat assassinated in 1981
1981-2011: ruled by Hosni Mubarak
·         Kept alliance with US (helped in the Iraq war)
·         Accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations
·         Driven from office following mass demonstrations last month
So whats next?
·         Egypt currently ruled by military junta, but democratic elections scheduled for September 2011
·         Some want Mubarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government. Our friend Sarah and other Egyptians say he may have stolen $50-70 billion.
·         Revolution is in the air throughout the middle East and northern Africa: Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Libya
·         Libya has been ruled by Muammar Gaddafi since 1969
o   He is violently opposing Libya’s uprising
o   Libya may descend into full civil war
o   The east is controlled by rebels, but he still holds the capital (Tripoli)- so far 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 things to ask Sarah

1.  Did you ever witness beatings? 
2.  Did you ever have doubts that things would change for the better?
3.  What was the most dangerous strike you were ever on?
4.  Who was beaten more, women or men?
5.  Were you ever in fear of your own life and of others lives?
6.  How mad were you when the shut off the internet?
7.  Did you join the April 6th facebook strike?
8.  Was everyone overwhelmed when the internet was back on?
9.  Do you believe in violent or nonviolent strike tactics?
10.  How do you think this whole revolution happen?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Finally, a reason why we still havent gotten our tests back.

Today in class, Mr. Schick told us what he has been doing for the past two days. His daughter was in the hospital because on Monday she was diagnosed with Limes Disease. The doctor put her on some medicine but it didnt help at all. So Mr. Schick took her back to the doctors and it turns out that she has to go to the hospital to get a spinal tap. When all the test were done she was told that she had meningitis. So she was sent into surgery. After a really detailed and disgusting story about a tube going into her heart, she was taken home. Mr. Schick had a really long 36 hours of no sleep, but now that he is back I am sure he is ready and so happy to grade our tests. (:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/16/11 today in class

Today in class, Gracie, Taylor, Clark, and I worked on a presentation. Our presentation is on Cats and Pharaohs with a tid bit of pyramids. With the cats we will mostly focus on why they were so worshipped in the Egyptian community and some facts about them in general. For the Pharaohs we will tell you about some of the most famous pharaohs. For the Pyramids we will talk about what types of pyramids are out there, what are in the pyramids, and why they were built. I am really excited to work with my new group, they seem really fun. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

"KOOL" "KATS" of Egypt :)

Cats were useful for limiting vermin in Egyptian crops and harvest. The people in what would later be Upper and Lower Egypt had a religion centering around the worship of animals, including cats. The cat became the symbol of grace and poise because of killing vermin. The cat goddess Bast (also known as Bastet) eventually replaced the cult of Mafdet, and Bast's image softened over time and she became the deity representing protection, fertility, and motherhood. They were worshiped by the Egyptians and given jewelry in hieroglyphics. The two native Egyptian cat species were the Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) and the African Wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). Domestication was due to two main reasons; breeding within itself, a large population of cats could develop, and would continue doing so at an exponential rate. Familiarity with human society was aided by the association of cats with the goddess Bast - Egyptian temple priests would often keep cats at their temple as a representative of the goddess. Egypt was not always unified; initially, it was a land with many regional tribes and nomes. Many nomes had a totemistic system of religion, centering the worship of an animal as a spiritual symbol. The earliest evidence of cats as deities comes from a 3100BC crystal cup decorated with an image of the lion-headed goddess Mafdet. The goddess Bast was originally depicted as a fiercely protective and warlike lion, but as her image "softened" over time she became more strongly associated with domestic cats. As cats were sacred to Bast, the practice of mummification was extended to them, and the respect that cats received after death mirrored the respect they were treated with in everyday life. Cats were either mummified or there is new evidence that they can be cremated. Also the cat's body was placed in a linen sheet and carried amidst bitter lamentations by the bereaved to a sacred house where it was treated with drugs and spices by an embalmer. Naville found stacks of cat bones in many pits, the walls of which were made up of bricks and clay. Near each pit lay a furnace, its bricks blackened from fire. This discovery causes some problems. The mummification and preservation of the body was intended to make it possible for the deceased's ka to locate its host and subsequently be reborn into the afterlife.
This reverence is in ancient Indian texts, where records of cats involved with human society can be found in two ancient Indian great epics, the Ramayana and Mahābhārata, circa 500BC. Although no one can pinpoint the time exactly, we know that the cat was domesticated in Egypt, probably around 2000 B.C. and that most modern cats are descendants of the cats of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians took their cats on hunting excursions, especially in the marshes where cats may have been trained to retrieve fowl and fish. Another very common scene in tomb paintings was a cat seated under a woman's chair, showing that the cat had become an integral part of the ancient Egyptian family life. Many Egyptian parents named their children after cats, especially their daughters. Some girls were called Mit or Miut. The mummy of a five-year-old girl named Mirt was found at Deir el-Bahri in King Mentuhotep's temple.  The earliest feline cat goddess recorded was called Mafdet and is described in the Pyramid Texts as killing a serpent with her claws. But the most famous cat goddesses in the world, first revered by the ancient Egyptians were Bastet (also known as Bast, Pasch, Ubasti) and the lion-headed Sekhmet. Bastet was often depicted as having the body of a woman and the head of a domestic cat. She was associated with the Eye of Ra, acting within the sun god's power. The Egyptians loved Bastet so much that she became a household goddess and protector of women, children and domestic cats. She was also the goddess of sunrise, music, dance, pleasure, as well as family, fertility and birth.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hunter-gatherers to farmers

Before there was a real civilization, all people did was hunt and gather. What I mean by a hunter and gatherer is you would go out, hunt and gather all day, and then at night you would eat what you have collected. This might sound like a really good idea, right? Well it’s not if you think about it. The problem with hunting and gathering is what happens when you run out of animals to hunt and berries to gather? Hunters and gatherers are always on the move trying to find new things to eat. When they are always on the move and always looking for things to eat they don’t have time to do anything else. So the first thing that you have to do is create a crop that is good in protein, easy to take care of, and most importantly a crop that doesn’t go bad quickly.
The people of Draa’, which is located in the Fertile Crescent, have discovered the art of farming. This is such an improvement because if they have crops to farm they don’t have to worry about always finding food and they can discover how to do new things and they did. The village of Draa’ created the first granary which is where they kept their crops. People of the Draa’ were considered to be the first civilization and the first farmers because they could produce a surplus of wheat and barley. This may not seem like a big improvement in civilization but it was because with a surplus of a good crop to grow they were able to do other things, and explore other things, rather than farming.
So overall there are two major steps of becoming a hunter and gatherer to a farmer which is find a good crop that you can plant and then create a surplus of that crop that can provide for your village.