Monday, April 4, 2011


Today in class we talked about how billy decker unfortuintially did not bring in a cake for all of us. We were all really disappointed. WE also talked about Cole, who is back in school after a injury with his eye. We talked for a while about what happened with his eye which was pretty gun. Then we really started talking about Greece. Greece is divided into city states so that means there is not just one ruler. Sparta seemed to be the most powerful because of there military. In Athens, aristicrates were normally the leaders. Pysytrasis was the one who started democracy. Athens began to trade with egyptians, etrustcans (italians) and persians. Hippias was Pysytrasis son was doing the things that his father did but then started to get paranoid like people were after him. Clythensese came in rule after Hippias and restored all of the things that Hippias destroyed. .

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