Monday, April 11, 2011

Emma, Jeffy,

Today in class we got cake for Caitlins birthday. We also continued with our presentations.
Emma- She seemed to put a lot of work in her video and presentation 98%
1. Name some of the events they had in the Olympics?
-boxing, equestrian events, pankration, discus, javelin, jump, running, wrestling.
2. Who normally participated in the Olympics?
- Aristocrates vs the townspeople
3. When did it start?
- 776 B.C.- 393 A.D.

Jeffy- 95% he had a lot of facts and knew alot about his presentation
1. What do the Greeks use for building stuff?
- stone and marble
2. Describe the houses for the rich and the not so rich.
- Poor people made out of mud and brick and were close together. The rich were very spacy
3. Types of colums
-  Doric, Ionis, Corithian

Cole- 98% had alot of information and the cake was really good !
1. What leagues were both Athens and Sparta in?
- Athens : Dealian League Sparta: Peloponnesian League
2. What were the names of the three parts of the war?
- Archidamian war, Peace of Nicias, Declean and Ionian war
3. Who was the leader of Athens?
- Pericles

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