Friday, March 11, 2011

Greeks (the movie)

  • Themisticles was one of the best warriors; philosities one of the greatest philospheres
  • In Athens in 508 BC the people turned on their rulers. Clithensease was the ruler of Athens. He was an orsticate  His brother in law, Pythistrasis, came to Athens demanding to rule. His brother in law turned to the modern people for support. He kind of sucked up to the townspeople. 
  • He was born an aristocratic which were the ones who made decisions in the community. Athens was built around the acropolis. 
  • many farmers and tradesmen. Normally the people couldn't read or write and the life expectancy was 15 years. The people would live under the rule of the aristocrats. They didnt have a part or share in anything.
  • athens was kind of turned against each other because the arosticrates were agaisnt the smaller people like  the farmers. The arsitocrates made them do so much and for little pay that they were kinda of considered slaves. 
  • Greece didn't have very good land for a civilization. Too many mountains and had no open rivers. The land did produce excellent olive trees for the people to live off of
  • Greece was divided into little sections called city states. Athens, Argus, Carithans, Sparta* 
  • Carintheans dominated trade and sailed many ships. Sparta which was known for the army. Spartans were raised to be solders. Separated from their parents and worked in the fields. Capes died red so their enemy's wouldn't know when they were injured.
  • Sparta was a really big city state so they were always a threat to the rest of Greece. 
  • A hero was when you fought a lot of people and de-flowered a lot of girls. They were found in stories by Homer. The poems are called epics 
  • Greece was in a great place for trade because they are around all of the other countries that are willing to trade for there Olive Oil 
  • There greatest invention was the Vase. The artisans were considered the lowest of the low in society. the designs on them were based off of Egyptian paintings. Some of the vases today can be up to 1 million dollars 
  • When Pythistresus died his son took over, and became a Tyrant. Hipias executed and tortured people because he was afraid that he would loose power. Tithinese  defeated Hipias and became what people would call a hero. He then also thought that people were against him so by trying to keep holding power he would kill. 
  • The Olympic games were so that people could display them being a hero. They games they would participate in were chariot racing, running wrestling and boxing. Greeks would travel for many miles just to see the games. 
  • Hysagarus sent a message to the Spartans to help him betray his city to gain power. Tithinese left Athens with the Spartans there with Hysagarus in power. The people then rose up in revolution. On the third day Hysagarus was forced to serenader. this was the first time in recorded history that the ordinary people rose up against there leader. 
  • Clithenease tried to over throw Hipias regain power 
  • the Athenian people ask Clithenese to come back from exile and rule once again. His goal this time when he is ruler is to make everything fair and decided to make a place where the townspeople can meet and decide on their future. This was known as democracy. It was a system of Government that would expand this state. 
  • a new generation of Athenians that would have to make new decisions with war. 
  • Phytipades ran for many miles to tell Athens that his land was going to be conquered by the Persians who were the most powerful people in the Ancient world. 
  • Sant Daryus was the leader of the Persians. The Persians were known for the obedience and slavery. Athens were out numbered 2 to 1 so they reached out to their rivals in Sparta. Sparta refused to fight with them so the Athenians had to fight on there own. 
  • The Athenians slaughtered 6000 Persians in one day. Little did they know that the war with Persia had just begun. 
  • Thimisticles was the leader of the army in Athens. In the year 480 BC Athenian found a huge amount of silver and Thimisticles asked to spend it on ships. 

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