Friday, May 27, 2011

Romes empire declined and fell

Since mr Schick gave us the packet of the roman empire we started to talk about it in class. We had to highlight some of the key parts in the packet and this is what i highlighted

  • In A.D. 476 a barbarian king took over the rule of Rome. 
  • the process of decline took place in three stages. first there was a long time of turmoil known by historians as the crisis of the third century. during these years the empire was beset by economic military and political problems. the third was there was a time of revival during which the empire was divided into two parts, eastern and western. and the third was the western half of the empire fell to invaders. 
  • trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on the Mediterranean sea lanes. they didn't have what people wanted to trade. china, India, and Arabia had little interest in buying such plain goods 
  • such and increase in prices is called inflation
  • agriculture faced an equally serious crisis, people think that the overworked soil had probably lost much of its earlier fertility 
  • throughout the third century, Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier 
  • partly to keep costs down, emperors. began to recruit barbarians who would accept lower pay. However the loyalty of barbarian troops to the empire could hardly be trusted 

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