Monday, May 16, 2011

yay taking notes about Rome!

The Roman Empire-
Octavian- Caesar Augustus

  • First Emperor,  began the Pax Romana a period of peace and prosperity 
  • built roads, aqueducts (like the plumbing system 
  • Set up civil service to take care of roads. the grain  supply, even a postal service
  • Did i great job and got stuff done, Augustus dies at the age of 76 in A.D. 14 and passes his power to Tiberius 

  • Roman citizen and spent his whole life in the Roman empire
  • Was a Jew and at the age of 30 (A.D. 31-33) he preached to the poor and he reached out to the outsiders 
  • During his life he really wasn't that popular because he was just a preacher who was sometimes caught by the law 
  • "My kingdom is not of this world" made the Romans and the Jews nervous and they began to plan his execution
  • The governor of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, was the one who wanted to put Jesus to death by crucifixion , but also the high priest wanted him dead too 
  • He is God who came to Earth but he really wasn't popular back then so we aren't really sure for a fact that what is said about him in the Gospels is really accurate 
  • Some Christians think that he will return to the Earth one day 
  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about jesus' life death resurrection and message
  • He used to hate Christians, one day he fell of his horse and then was blind for three days. After three days he was able to see again and the first thing that he saw was Jesus
  • After that he wrote letters and traveled everywhere to share is story and wanted to set up out post to the Church. 
  • He got as far as Spain and Britain. Jesus is the central figure of the worlds largest religion all because of Paul spreading around his story
  • He is actually the 6th most influential people in history 

  • Back then they wanted to figure out who was next in line after the leader dies so they normally adopt people and thats what Octavian did with Tiberius 
  • Didn't get along with the senators, said "they are fit to be slaves"
  • Germanicus started out as TIberius' ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny, but when it looked like he would succeed Tiberius he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed 
  • Died in AD 37 at the age of 77 
Caligula- a good start

  • Started off well being Germanices son, he was Tiberius adopted grandson and great nephew
  • Gave bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past and made government spending a matter of public records (said where the people tax dollars are going) 
  • Began to fight with the senate, claimed he was a God so then he wanted to display in statues of him in temples especially in Jewish Temples which made them mad
  • He slept with other mens wives and bragged about it, indulged in too much spending and sex, and even tried to make his horse a consul and a priest (at least thats what critics said) 
  • Assassinated by his own aides AD 41 (age 28) 

  • Was made fun of people he had a speech impediment but then when he was emperor they stopped making fun of him
  • He rose to the occasion; he concurred Britain; he built roads canals and aqueducts; he renovated the Circus Maximus  
  • He had an awful marriage to Messalina, who was quite often unfaithful to him, even plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup- so Claudius had them killed 
  • That was his 3rd marriage and then married again

  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic 
  • Roman had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god 
  • AD 66: a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman Troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall) 
  • The Western Wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines (also known as the wailing wall) 

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