Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hunter-gatherers to farmers

Before there was a real civilization, all people did was hunt and gather. What I mean by a hunter and gatherer is you would go out, hunt and gather all day, and then at night you would eat what you have collected. This might sound like a really good idea, right? Well it’s not if you think about it. The problem with hunting and gathering is what happens when you run out of animals to hunt and berries to gather? Hunters and gatherers are always on the move trying to find new things to eat. When they are always on the move and always looking for things to eat they don’t have time to do anything else. So the first thing that you have to do is create a crop that is good in protein, easy to take care of, and most importantly a crop that doesn’t go bad quickly.
The people of Draa’, which is located in the Fertile Crescent, have discovered the art of farming. This is such an improvement because if they have crops to farm they don’t have to worry about always finding food and they can discover how to do new things and they did. The village of Draa’ created the first granary which is where they kept their crops. People of the Draa’ were considered to be the first civilization and the first farmers because they could produce a surplus of wheat and barley. This may not seem like a big improvement in civilization but it was because with a surplus of a good crop to grow they were able to do other things, and explore other things, rather than farming.
So overall there are two major steps of becoming a hunter and gatherer to a farmer which is find a good crop that you can plant and then create a surplus of that crop that can provide for your village. 

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