Friday, April 29, 2011

The not so impossible pop quiz

Crassus today in class we re took the pop quiz which i am really happy about because i think we did a lot better. After that mr Schick weirdly disappeared from the room. When he reentered the room he was in a rapper outfit. He then put on a rap about Rome which was actually really helpful and really funny. In the rap he talked about what happened in Rome. We then had to find pictures of the things in it.  Today was also the royal wedding so of coarse i have to add a picture of Kate Middleton who looked so pretty in her dress and Prince William who looked very handsome in his outfit

The Greeks 
The Latins 

Julius Caesar getting stabbed 
The Gauls 

the impossible pop quiz

Today was a very short day in class because we had a very weird scheduel with tornadoes and everything else. first started out with the prayer like usual. We then went over the homework we had to do about Rome reading. Then Mr Schick surprised us with a pop quiz. It was so hard. i did not do well on it and i got a 5/10 which is really hard. It brought my grade down from a 98 to a 86 which i am dispointed in but hopefully i will be able to get my grade up soon

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today in class we went over the answers to the Rome Reading paper he gave us yesterday. And then he told us that we had another Reading Rome assignment due. We had to define a-f and answer question 1-6. Consul- taking the place of a king, Rome had to consuls. like kings, they commanded the army and directed the government. had the power of life and death over citizens in wartime and great powers in peacetime as well; Veto- when you overrule another consul; senate- was the aristocratic branch of Romes government;  assembly- the democratic side of Roman government was the assembly. All citizen-soldiers were members of this branch of government. The assembly had little power in comparison to the consuls and the senate; dictator- a leader who had a absolute power to make laws and command the army; mercenary- is a person who is set on making money. We also had questions to answer. Plebeians were dissatisfied with Roman government because in 509 B.C the Roman's drove out their Kings and patricians controlled Rome's government now. Plebeians were barred by law from holding most important positions in government -- commanding armies, serving as high priest, or holding high offices.  Eventually the plebeians won a greater share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C, thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. The plebeians gained higher political positions and more favorable laws. Marriage between the two groups was allowed and enslavement by debt was ended. They created a written law code called Twelve Tables. Romans considered they had a balanced government because their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy. They believed this gave them the best features of all kinds of governments. Romans won the support of the conquered people becuase they had different parts of the conquered territory were subjected to different laws and treatment from Rome. CArtharage might have seemed more powerful because Carthage had a population of 250,000 which was 3 times the size of Rome. They had a huge navy of 500 ships. Overseas trade made it a very wealthy city. They had 3 great advantages. First, Rome could draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops made available through its conquests in Italy. Second, Rome's citizen troops were generally more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Third, warfare was Roman specialty.  The battle of Zama was a major turning point in history becuase if Hannibal had been the victor, Carthage and not Rome would have become the greatest empire in the world. Since Rome was victorious, it was Rome that passed on its laws, its government, and its culture to Western Civilization.  At first Roman armies marching into Macedon looked like protectors of Greek freedom. The Greeks rejoiced when, in 197 B.C, the Roman's freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.  Once settled in Greece, however, the Romans interfered in Greek politics, crashing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome. As time passed, the exercise of Roman power in the east became increasingly ruthless. A few Greek city-states tried to free themselves from Rome's tightened grip, but failed. Rome singled out Corinth for an example. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


today in class we first started out talking about how mr schick had a very bad easter because he was sick the whole time. he had a temperature of 103 tuesday through thursday with the shivers and the shakes. After he was finished talking about that he sent us an email with an attachment of a paper. We had to read the whole paper and then at the end answer questions about it. The paper was mostly about Rome.We also had to answer some questions about the Rome paper. It first asks us to identify some words; republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in their leasers; Gravitas- weightiness or seriousness; patrician- specially privileged families that were like high society in Rome; pater families- the eldest man of the family who had complete power over his family; toga- an uncomfortable garment that Romans used to wear; plebeian- the common people like artisans, farmers, and merchants; legion- the roman military unit; century- each legion was divided into 60 smaller parts which are called legions. After describing all of those words we had to identify: Italy- which is shaped like a high heeled boot. The Italian peninsula is near the midpoint of the Mediterranean. The land is very mountainous and the country was rolling, wooded, fertile; Rome- Rome is midway in the Alps and Italys southern tip. Rom occupies an ideal position from which to send out ships and armies in all directions. Romulus was part of an ancient Roman myth. He was the one who stated Rome after he struck his brother and killed him; Palatine Hill- the hill that Romulus chose for his new city. After he killed his brother, Palatine Hill became Athens; Alps- the apls are located on the Eastern side of Rome; Tiber River- a river that the king put Romulus and his brother Remus in when they were just babies because he feared they would become to powerful; I then figured out that you didnt have to describe all these things you just had to answer some of the questions. Geography helped Rome because there were in the middle of the Mediterranean and also in the middle of Italy. They were in the prime location for trade routes.The difference between a republic and a democracy. Republic is when the people get to choose there own leader and a democracy is when the people get to choose everything like going to war and building roads. The next question we had to answer was how did Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans help Romes development. Rome began as a settlement of Latin shepherds, no more than a cluster of round wooden huts perched atop the 300- foot Palatine Hill. The Greeks established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily. These active cities brought all of Italy, including Rome, into closer contact with Greek civilization. The Etuscans had a writing system and the Latins did not. They also had a great cultural influence on the Latins. Eventually the settlers of Rome adopted their alphabet. The values of early roman society was that they had specially privileged families who were known as the patrician class. The said that there ancestry gave them the authority to make laws for Rome and its people. The Roman household was organized as a parta familia which means that the father of the family was the one who ruled and made the decisions in the family. The women had rights but not as many as the father. She could make decisions but it was always under the pressure of the father. The army was linked to Roman society because all male citizens were required to serve in the army and no one could hold public office untile he had a first served ten years as a soldier.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Notes for Test Wednesday

Today in class we talked about what was going to be on the test
Multiple choice 33 points
1 short answer Question

What happened in 776 B.C.
- the Olympics
What were some Olympic sports
discus, wrestling, boxing

Formation used in battle
Name of the Greek soldiers
who did the Greeks fight more than anyone else?
battle against the persians
-Marathon, gaugamela,, thermopolese, Issus
* peloponnesian war was NOT against Persia
 battle of Hydaspes against India

Peloponnesian War
Who was in charge of Athens in Peloponnesian War
- Pericles
Who was it Against
- Athens and Sparta
Who won?
What happened inside the walls during the first stage of the war?
- people staved and got the plague so they died
First time people rose up against there rulers?
-508 B.C.

What age were kids taken away to be trained?
-7 years old
Who were Spartans?
-land fighters, army, infantry

Blind Poet who told stories of...?
-llyad and Oddessy
Llyad was the soty of Trojan War with Trojan Horses, They were both epic poems, probably sung.

Three types of Greek Colums-
-Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

what age was it built in?
-Golden age of Greece with Pericles rulling
what kind of collums?

Had three goals when he took over
-athens greatest city
-strengthen Greek Democracy
-expanded empire
What was the place called with public discussion?

What is pottery used for?
-wine, storage, perfume

Who was Ecuclaid?
- he pionerred Geometry
What did Archemides founded ?
- puly system and displacement theory?
Three main philosophers?
- Socrates
Who was Alexanders teacher?
***  Socrates and the Trial
Socrates chared with not recognizing gods and corrupting the youth. He was guilty and his punishment was death. He had to drink poisoness Hemlock
"the unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates
*** Plato's Cave theory
In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects, that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see
Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows. Plato’s aim in the Republic is to describe what is necessary for us to achieve this reflective understanding. But even without it, it remains true that our very ability to think and to speak depends on the Forms. For the terms of the language we use get their meaning by “naming” the Forms that the objects we perceive participate in.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Today in class we recorded how many people bought prevent genocide shirts. 2/3 of the class bought shirts raising $55. After we were done counting people we started to watch Alexander the Great movie again. Alexander went through life without ever loosing one battle. Birds of pray would always appear when something monumental happened in Alexanders life. After the war Alexander was the king of Persian Empire and he was loved by all. He welcomed in people who he concord to his Empire. The king Darrius was betrayed by his commanders. Alexander then hunted down those commanders and got revenge on all of them and punished them. He had 10 cities named after himself. We then skipped to a part where he is in Hindu Kush where he marched into the "unknown" but he said it was the route to the end of the world. The problem for Alexander was that he wanted to concur the world. He thought that when he went over the Himalayans that there would be the ocean and there would be the end. After it was hard to get over the Himalayans he tried to concur India but his men cant take it anymore and have had enough. After he would not take his army home he was no longer loved by all. The still fight in India and that is where his horse is killed form underneath him.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Today in Class we watched a movie about Alexander the Great. His dad was Philip the second and his mom was Olympia. His mom told him that his real fahter was the Greek god Acilies. By the Age of 20 he was already fighting and try to take of the world. In the begging of the movie there was a scene about how Alexander picked out his horse Bucepehalus and the horse would only let Alexander ride him. We then skipped to the scene of the Gaugalela war. This war was very bloody and gross. Before the war started the cut up a bull and went through there guts so they could "predict" who was going to win the war. In the end Darrius, alexanders enemy, won even though they were very out numbered,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katie Cooper

Katie- 98%  She didnt just read off her slide, she knew a lot about what she was talking about
1. Who was Socrates and what did he study?
- greek philosopher and he studied life of people
2. What was one of Socrates Teaching
- You should know who you are and try to become better and improve
3. What did Aristotle Figure out?
- Earth wind fire water and the Aether was other things you couldnt explain

Monday, April 11, 2011

Emma, Jeffy,

Today in class we got cake for Caitlins birthday. We also continued with our presentations.
Emma- She seemed to put a lot of work in her video and presentation 98%
1. Name some of the events they had in the Olympics?
-boxing, equestrian events, pankration, discus, javelin, jump, running, wrestling.
2. Who normally participated in the Olympics?
- Aristocrates vs the townspeople
3. When did it start?
- 776 B.C.- 393 A.D.

Jeffy- 95% he had a lot of facts and knew alot about his presentation
1. What do the Greeks use for building stuff?
- stone and marble
2. Describe the houses for the rich and the not so rich.
- Poor people made out of mud and brick and were close together. The rich were very spacy
3. Types of colums
-  Doric, Ionis, Corithian

Cole- 98% had alot of information and the cake was really good !
1. What leagues were both Athens and Sparta in?
- Athens : Dealian League Sparta: Peloponnesian League
2. What were the names of the three parts of the war?
- Archidamian war, Peace of Nicias, Declean and Ionian war
3. Who was the leader of Athens?
- Pericles

Friday, April 8, 2011

Taylor, Billy, Sarah, Clark, Catherine, Gracie, Cristy

Taylor- 89% because her presentation was really creative but she didn't give us a lot of facts about Homer
1. What is the name of Homers greatest work of art?
2. What is the guys name in the Odyssey?
3. How would Homer tell his stories?

Billy- 80% because he really didnt have any information
1. When did the Hellenistic Age start?
2. True or False- Did Alexander mixed Greeks and non Greeks together?
3. What happened with Alexander mixed Greeks and non Greeks together?

Sarah- 97 %A really good Powerpoint and a lot a facts
1. Who was the Parthenon built for?
2. Where was the Parthenon built? and What is it?
3. What statue was in the Parthenon?

Clark- 95% goos power point. there was a lot of information but some was left out
1. What theorem did Pythagoras create?
2. What experiments did Archimedes discover?
3. How did people now benefit from math and science today?

Catherine- 95% A LOT of information but her presentation wasn't that fun
1. What were most of the pottery made out of?
2. What type of designs were mostly found on pottery?
3. Where are most potters found?

Gracie- 95% seemed like she knew a lot but she just read of her slides
1. What would they do when they tell the story?
2. Explain Epics, Regular Poems, and plays?
3. Were poets well payed?

Cristy- 100. no questions asked
1.  When was the Trial of Socrates?
2. What was the main point of the Trial of Socrates?
3. How did Socrates die?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Alyssa, Caitlin, Clarke

Alyssa- 95% has a lot of information and her presentation had a lot going on. I didn't like how there were too much on one slide
1. Which army do you think is better. The Greek or Spartan army?
2. Which Weapon do you think is most destructive?
3. How much do you think all of the pieces of a uniform would cost today?

Caitlin- 100% she seemed like she put a lot of effort into it
1. How did drama evolve?
2. What are the two types of Drama?
3. What is the name of the guy who ripped out his eyes?

1. Where was Alexander  king of?
2. What was Alexander known for in battle?
3. How old was Alexander when he started ruling Macedonia?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kamua and Sparta

1. Do you think a lot of the soldiers survived while they were going through training?
2. What kind of training methods did they use to make Spartans so strong?
3. Do you think we should use that kind of training for our military troops?
Grade- 90% because he had a lot of facts in his presentation and seemed to know a lot about his project but his presentation was boring.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today in class we talked about how billy decker unfortuintially did not bring in a cake for all of us. We were all really disappointed. WE also talked about Cole, who is back in school after a injury with his eye. We talked for a while about what happened with his eye which was pretty gun. Then we really started talking about Greece. Greece is divided into city states so that means there is not just one ruler. Sparta seemed to be the most powerful because of there military. In Athens, aristicrates were normally the leaders. Pysytrasis was the one who started democracy. Athens began to trade with egyptians, etrustcans (italians) and persians. Hippias was Pysytrasis son was doing the things that his father did but then started to get paranoid like people were after him. Clythensese came in rule after Hippias and restored all of the things that Hippias destroyed. .