Monday, June 6, 2011


today in class we really didnt do much except eat donuts that Kristy Kim brought in for us.. it was a good day to end the year on! im going to miss this class a lot!! I am now trying to study for our exams, i learned alot this year but i am just really bad at testing so hopefully i will get a decent grade

Friday, June 3, 2011

6/2 test today

today in class we had to take a test. i thought it was really easy but i ended up getting a 75 plus my 5 extra credit points which means i got an 80. im really disappointed with my grade because i studied really hard for it and i understood everything so i dont really know what happened. It also brought my grade down by 3 points to an 89 and i need to get that back up because if i get good grades this semester i will get a betta fish and i really want a fish so i can either name it gill of kiwi. I dont know which one to choose, you decide. But after we were done taking the quiz we didnt really do anything since it was a short class. but it was still really funn

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There was no test today

Today in class instead of taking a test we went over the paper we got in class on friday.

  1. Trade was disrupted by pirates in the Mediterranean 
  2. inflation is the economic condition when prices rise rapidly 
  3. Roman emperors started to recruit barbarians into the army becuase they were cheaper, but they werent loyal
  4. during the third century, the only groups actively interested in political office were the leaders of prvincial governments- False the correct answer is military leaders
  5. Diocletian's division of the empire between east and west weakened the empire as a whole- True because the west fell to invaders
  6. The western half of the empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade- False the correct answer is the eastern half
  7. Constantine made Christianity an approved religion in the empire 
  8. Huns were the major reason for the Germanic invasions of the Roman Empire.
We didnt finish going over the sheet but we are just going to take the quiz tomorrow